placeholder image.. ill put something better in later
Name(s): 牙琉響也 (jp)
Klavier Gavin (en, es, it)
Konrad Gavin (fr)
Kantilen Gavin (de)
Nickname(s): tba
Year of Birth: 2002
Nationality: ???
Height: 5'11, or 180cm
Object Class: Euclid

KLAVIER GAVIN is the main prosecutor in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney & was the lead singer/guitarist in the CRINGE, PRO-ESTABLISHMENT, LAW ENFORCEMENT THEMED SELLOUT BAND ‘Gavinners’, or 'Garyūwave' (original jp ver.).

☆ 'klavier' means piano in german.
☆ he isn't german. he's lying for attention.
☆ he appeared as a cameo in the anime 'lucky star'
☆ his hair is designed to resemble the 'nemes', a striped headcloth worn by pharaohs.
☆ he owns a heart-shaped keychain. this is a subtle nod to the fact that i love him.
☆ according to the officially licensed (but non-canon?) apollo justice anthology manga... see for yourself (warning for suggestive content)

site best viewed fullscreen on a standard computer monitor.
i don't know shit about html so if it looks uneven then oops.
this is some fucked up amalgamation of an e-shrine, personal site and link/image storage. have a look around if you fancy.

not spoiler free.